As an experienced designer, the time might come when you decide to begin your own business. It’s an exciting, if somewhat nerve-wracking, step to take and you’ll need to know where to begin.
Decide which areas you’re going to specialise in. You will need to be able to provide the highest levels of design service possible in order to compete – the market is already quite full. If you have something unique to offer, such as 3D printing or good links with manufacturers, then people are going to be more likely to consider using your business.
Think about finance. It can be difficult to get the cash together to begin your own business, but there are schemes around which could help you. You may also want to consider going into business with another designer to help in financing your project. This might also add another specialism, allowing you to broaden out your service offering.
Consider your marketing. Thinking about this before you have sorted your business plan might seem like running before you can walk, but it will be enormously helpful to have a decent strategy in mind. It might even help to inform the business planning process if you come up with some good, creative ideas.